Developing essential problem solving and thinking skills

Innovative sessions that help people think and work differently

The ability to solve problems, make decisions and generate new ideas are essential skills in all organisations. However, many teams don’t make time or space to consider developing these important skills.

As well as leadership and management development, we have built a track record of delivering engaging and innovative sessions on creative problem solving.

Thinking differently in order to develop ideas and solve problems
Learning how to use different stimulus to solve problems
Exploring how to reframe problems
Learning how to look at issues from different perspectives
Understanding how to evaluate new ideas

These can be delivered as half or full days or twilights, in schools, colleges, voluntary sector organisations and businesses.

“The course made me more able to make decisions, I don’t find decision making easy. These new tools have given me licence to be more creative and take more risks. They have made me more courageous and relaxed about problem solving.”

Want to try something a bit different?

If you want to try something a bit different, and give your staff new ways of working, get in touch. You could have us facilitate an SLT away day, twilight, or a whole team workshop on problem solving. These can be delivered as INSET sessions, twilights, half or full days in schools, colleges, voluntary sector organisations and businesses.